
Starting over...

Somehow I've fallen off the diet/exercise wagon.  I haven't gained any weight back, which is good, but I also haven't lost any more.  I am only about 3-4 lbs away from being in the 100's again.  It shouldn't be that hard if I just stick to my regimen.  Summer is only a few weeks away, and I am no where near bathing suit ready yet.

I've been on a diet/exercise hiatus for about a month o_O that is not good! I weighed in yesterday at 204.4.  I still need to lose 39.4 lbs to get to my goal weight.  That shouldn't be that hard to do, if I just stick to eating right and exercising regularly. 

On another note, I am only a little more than 2 months away from being done with Nursing School.  This has been a very long, bumpy road, but I can FINALLY see the light at the end of the tunnel!!! August 13th and 14th is my graduation  weekend...i can't wait for that!!


Spring is in the air...

Wow! I can't believe it's been over a month since I last blogged.  It's been pretty busy, in the life of Tricia.  Where do I start?  Well I'll start with where I left off.  Last time I blogged, I was getting ready to go to Girls Weekend.  That was a fun weekend :) I might have indulged a little more than planned, and I gained about 3 lbs.  Whoever said calories and fat grams don't count on Vacation, LIED!! :) But I didn't let it get me down.  I came back, finished out my 2nd to last Semester and had a nice relaxing week long break.

On March 28th my friend Courey and I started Boot Camp Las Vegas.  It's been tough, and I've thought about quitting more than once but I only have one more week to go and then I can stop getting up at 345 am! (I have had a one week hiatus from BCLV because I had some stupid stomach flu).  In addition to going to Boot Camp, I joined up at a local weight watchers.  I'm hoping that the new program will boost my weight loss a little more.  I am currently at 204.4 lbs which means I have lost a total of 22.2 lbs since January :) WOO HOO I finally made it over that 20 lbs mark! If I keep it up I should have NO problem getting to my goal by my 30th birthday (which by the way, is in 30 weeks...but who's counting right? LOL)

Two weeks ago, I started my 6th and FINAL semester of Nursing School.  I am so excited! I only have 14 more weeks to go before I can go out in the real world and HOPEFULLY find a job.  Today, I had the privilege of helping out at the Spring 2011 pinning ceremony and it was awesome.  I found a new sense of motivation to finish!

Last time I blogged, I had just finished my first 5K and was stoked about my time.  Well a week from today, I will do my 2nd 5K and I am very excited for it.  I am hoping to get done in less time than the first one.  I'll be doing this one alone, so it will be more of a personal accomplishment for me.  I'm a little nervous about going alone, but I think it will be good for me.  I just need to get some good music and get into a groove.  I still can't run far distances, but I am positive, I could run further than I did at my first 5K.

I also want to make note, that it has been 4 and a half months since I have smoked a cigarette.  The cravings are getting less and less as the days go on.  It has DEFINITELY helped when trying to work out...I know that if I still smoked, that I wouldn't have as much stamina as I do.  Thanks to everyone who has been encouraging and inspiring to me :) Much love to all!!



I finished my first 5K!! AND....I finished in under an hour! :) I am so stoked! My official time was 51:34.  I wasn't out there to race, but now that I have started and finished my first 5K I can't wait to sign up for more!! My uncle and I did the race together and it was a lot of fun!  Here are some of my favorite pictures from the day :)

I also had my weekly weigh in today, and the numbers looked GREAT!! I came in officially at 4.2 lbs lost for the week, which brings me officially to a total of 19lbs lost :) I am SO stoked!!!!  I wanted to be able to say I've lost 20 lbs by this coming Friday, and it looks like i'll be able to do that.  YAY!!

The end of my semester is creeping.  This week I have two finals and an exam, then I am going to the river for girls weekend....and NEXT friday the 25th I have my last Final.  Then...i'll officially be a SENIOR!!! WOOT WOOOT!!!! Four more months to graduation and I CAN NOT wait!!!


Headed back down

Well, today is Monday and that means my weekly weigh in.  This morning I was down 1lb.  It wasn't a great loss, but it was MUCH better than last's weeks slight gain.  I am officially down 14.8lbs since January 3rd when I started this journey.  I have made a small, short term goal.  I want to be down 20 lbs total by March 18th.  So I only have 5.2lbs to go, to get there. I'm going to the river for girls weekend that weekend and I would REALLY like to be able to say "I've lost 20 lbs so far." SO here goes for a busy 2 weeks :)

I didn't get any REAL exercise today, but I cleaned my house from top to bottom and worked up a great sweat doing it, so I consider that my work out for the day.  Tomorrow I'm gonna go running.  There's only 5 more days 'till my first 5K, I can't wait!!

I hope everyone has a great week :)


Slowly losing steam...

I'm not sure what the deal is, but over the last, say, 2 or so weeks, I have been losing steam with my motivation for diet and exercise.  I have a few thoughts on why this is happening.  The first thing that comes to mind is that this HELLISH semester is slowly winding down.  I think I only have 4 weeks (maybe 5...but who's counting) left until finals.  i think the added stress of that, is causing me to stress eat, which I haven't done since this whole journey started almost 8 weeks ago.  I have also been having more and more cravings for a cigarette, but not SUPER bad....just like a need to "de-stress" or something. But have no fear, I have not given into that craving, and I DEFINITELY don't plan on it.  It's too hard of a habit to quit, to even think about starting up again!  My other idea of why I'm losing steam is because I think I might be getting a little cocky about my weight loss.  I've had a few weeks where I lost less than a pound, but for the most part I've lost at least 2 pounds a week since I started.  So with this knowledge, I have started "tweaking" my intake. I need to get back on the bandwagon and quit eating fast food (although I have yet to have a cheeseburger since this started...only chicken sandwiches and burritos and pizza). More importantly I need to get back to my exercising.  I mean I do my Jillian Michaels' DVD about 3 MAYBE 4 times a week...but that's just not enough in my opinion.  So if anyone out there is reading this, can you give me a "virtual" kick in the rear?  Thanks! :)


7 weeks down...

and I'm almost 3x as far as i originally had set my goal to be.  For my original goal, i figured I would need to lose a total of 5.9 lbs a month.  I am officially 14 lbs down as of yesterday. I'm not religious about what I eat, and I'm sure if I REALLY REALLY watched every thing that i put in my mouth I would be doing better, but I'm not trying to deprive myself of what I want :)

On another note, yesterday I registered for my first 5K.  It's happening on March 12th at Lake Mead.  Its the 6 Tunnels to Hoover Dam Half Marathon/ 5K walk/run.  I am super excited and can't wait!! :)


I was definitely surprised!!

In my last entry, I was worried that when I stepped on the scale on Monday, I would have either stayed the same weight from the week before, or gained.  You see, last week, I was really bad...I ate horribly and slacked on my workouts.  But...surprisngly, I still lost! The biggest loss i have had in about 3 weeks! I lost 2.4lbs, bringing me to a total weight loss of 13.6 lbs since Jan. 3rd!! I think that's why I love Weight Watchers.  I can eat out if I want, and still lose weight!! The more I lose, the closer I will be to my goal :)

I still want to do this 5K in March, but I have  NOT been training, and I think it's gonna end up hurting me in the end.  I dunno, part of me just wants to go do it and see if I even like the "race" aspect of running....I just dunno...


I know, I'm a slacker!

WOW it's been over 2 weeks since I last posted...I need to quit slackin'!  I could use an excuse of "ive been busy with school" which is true, but the fact remains that I have been putting off my blogging because I have not had a good "diet" week.  I'm a little scared to get on the scale on Monday.  I think there will be a plus sign, instead of a minus sign.  That won't be good.

I have still been losing, on the 31st of January, I was down 0.8 from the week before, and last Monday, Feb. 7th I was down another 1.2...that gives me a total weight loss of 11.2 lbs since January 3rd.  That is definitely something to be proud of.  On the 31st I also measured myself again (something I plan to do once a month) and I am down a total of 7.75 inches.  Here's the breakdown:

January 3
January 31
48 in
46.75 in
46 in
44 in
54 in
52 in
24 in
23 in
17.5 in
17 in
Upper Arm
14.5 in
14.5 in
16 in

That is awesome in one month! If I had the time, I would work out like they do on The Biggest Loser....what is that, like 8 hours a day??  IF that were the case, I could have some awesome numbers like they have every week....a 10lb loss in one week would be AWESOME! LOL

Well There's the update on my weight loss...I am going to pray that i still see a loss this week on the scale, but not getting my hopes up!


Community HIV/ AIDS outreach

So if you know me, you know that I am in my 2nd to last semester of nursing school.  This semester, we get the opportunity to go to 3 facilities and do "community service" (for lack of a better term).  Today I went to St. Therese Community Outreach, and worked for about 7 hours. St. Therese is a food pantry that services the Las Vegas valley's HIV and AIDS community.  It's Catholic faith based, but does not discriminate.  I had the best time today.  The feeling of helping those in need is overwhelming.  I am hoping to have the time in the near future to volunteer there, on my own time.  The staff at St. Therese is AWESOME! They appreciated all my help, and couldn't thank me enough...but little do they know that just by them allowing us (me and my fellow classmates) to come help them is thanks enough.

Next week, I'll be at The Salvation Army, in their adult / mentally handicapped day care facility.  and the following week, I get to go to Shade Tree, which is a homeless shelter for abused and homeless women and children. I am really enjoying this rotation and can't wait to do some more volunteering.

On a personal note, I finished day 3 of my Jillian Michaels ass whoopin' today and it really does get easier with each day.  I have decided to do 10 days of each level.  I am excited to see my results :) Only a few more days till my next weigh in...and I'm gonna take my measurements too! I'm a little nervous, but excited to see if I've mad any progress in the last 4 weeks :)


30 day Shred?!?!

HA! More like 20 minute circuit ASS WHOOPIN'!! but I LOVE it.  If you're looking for a quick daily workout that includes Cardio, strength training, and abs, get Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred.  I am only on day 2, and I'm sore as EVER...but I feel GREAT!!! I seriously LOVE the new me :) YAY!!!!

So two weekends ago my friend Courey and I went hiking at Red Rock and I loved it. In my 29 years of existence it was my first time ever hiking and I LOVE LOVE LOVED it.  It was so much fun, that we have planned another hike for this coming Saturday at Valley of Fire.  I can't wait!! I invited my other friend Kim to join us, so hopefully she'll accept the invitation...it will be so much fun!! :)


OH EMM GEE!!!!!!

So I just did my first workout with Jillian Michaels' "30 Day Shred" DVD I think I might be half dead right now! But going to continue.  I know its hard for a reason...to get results...and results are what I want and need!! So thank you, Jillian Michaels' for kicking my @$$ today!!!!

a quote...

"NOTHING tastes as good as SKINNY feels"

-Unknown author

Just another Tuesday...

Well it's Tuesday, which could essentially be considered my Sunday.  I have such a strange schedule this semester.  Yesterday, I did some Walmart shopping and bought the necessities...and I also picked up the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred workout DVD.  I figure it's a little something different to spice up my exercise routine, and it's something I can do at home.  After Wallyworld, I went to Kohls, because I needed new running shoes.  I was looking at Nike and New Balance (since those are my 2 favorite brands) and they were so dang expensive.  Even though I budgeted for about $50.  So I was about to settle on a pair of Avia brand shoes that were on sale for $30.  They were really light weight and comfortable, so I thought I would give them a try.  Then I walked down, what I thought was the Boot aisle and low and behold, there was a shoe box out of place...a pair of Asics...in my size...so I decided to try them on.  They are just as comfortable as the Avias, but they were only $12.99...SCORE!! WOOT WOOT!! Before getting to the shoe section (i went the long way around the store ha!) I found a really cute dress that was in my size and it was only $6.40!!  SCORE #2!! So I walked out of Kohls and only spent $20 (and some change).  My receipt said I saved over $100!

I didn't get any running in yesterday (since i was too busy shopping ), so today I am gonna try my new DVD and possibly run around my neighborhood...I do, however have tons of laundry to do, and a big midterm test to study for too., so we'll have to see bout the running.  

YAY for a great start to what I plan to be a PERFECT day :)


Those numbers keep droppin`

So last Monday, my weigh in was a little disappointing.  Even though I went down on the scale, it was less than a pound.  So I stepped it up a bit this week...well sort of.  I drank tons of water and watched what I ate.  I did allow myself ONE "free" meal on Wednesday night.  I was craving either Pepperoni pizza or a cheeseburger from Fatburger.  Those were the first two cravings I've had since I started down this new path.  So I let myself "cheat".  I had a gigantic salad, and then two pieces of pizza.  I felt a little guilty, thinking to myself, I just ruined my chances of those numbers to go down this week.  But I didn't beat myself up about it. I'm glad I didn't because I am down another 3 lbs this week! That makes for a grand total of 9.2 lbs.  Another great feeling is that I am officially under 220 lbs!! WOOOOHOOOO!!  My official weight today is 217.4.  I am planning to take my measurements once a month, probably on the first Monday of the month.  I'm curious to see where I'm at with those numbers too.  Although I know they have dropped, because my clothes are fitting a little looser.  Well that is all for now :)

PS I might be moving over to Tumblr...this way I can blog and follow bendoeslife.tumblr.com but i'm not sure yet....



Well with the end of last week, being the way it was..I pretty much knew today's weigh in wouldn't be as spectacular as last weeks.  I still went down on the scale, but not by much.  last week the scale said I lost 5.6 lbs and this week it only said I lost 0.6 lbs.  So while I am still happy the number went down and not up, I'm pretty sad that it is less than a pound.  But, I am not going to let this discourage me.  Today I'll be starting my C25K (couch 2 5K) program, and I intend on going full force at it.  There is a 5K in March that I think I want to sign up for. Once I have the entry fee (it's only $25, but I'm a poor college student right now) I think I will send in the entry.

For now though, I am just gonna get back into my diet and exercise full force.  Wish me luck!! :)



Well today pretty much sucked...fought BAD with Cowboy, staying at my parents for the next few nights :( Miss my babies (dogs and cats). ate terribly today...and now I feel like crap...but I will get back on it tomorrow!! For now, it's late and I have class in the morning...and I'm exhausted from crying...

I pray for a better day tomorrow!


A truly inspirational video

So i am somewhat obsessed with this website called Spark People and I found this random profile and this guy was talking about this exercise/running program he's gonna start doing and he referred to it as C25K...I was like WHAT THE HECK is C25K?!?!?! So of course, I googled it.  And I found this other website C25K and while browsing through that website, I found this video....so I watched it.  It makes me wanna get up and go running right now.  Too bad it's 10:30 pm and I don't live in a safe enough neighborhood to run at night, and my little community center gym is closed.  Anyway...I hope you enjoy this video as much as I have :)


i'm a loser! Yeah BABY!!!

Well my first week wasn't too bad.  I only worked out once, unless you count the 10 hours i "ran" during clinicals on Sunday.  But I havent had any soda or fast food, I have been counting my points and keeping track of what I eat...and it paid off!!! I lost 5.6 pounds this week! I know this will not be a trend, but it's a great start, and its very motivating to keep going!! :) Thanks to everyone who has posted encouraging comments on my facebook!


Beginning Stats

OYE! This makes it real! And it really takes a LOT and I mean a LOT LOT LOT of courage to put this on display for everyone to see.  But....here goes nothing!

Beginning Weight: 226.6 lbs

Beginning Measurements
  • Chest - 48 in
  • Waist - 46 in
  • Hips - 54 in
  • Thighs - 24 in
  • Calves - 17.5 in
  • Upper Arm - 14.5 in
  • Neck - 16 in

Before (frontal)
Before (side)

OK that is just seriously depressing!!!  Time to kick this big butt into gear! So far today I did really well with my "diet".  I didn't drink any sodas and had tons of water.  Hey I gotta start somewhere right?

I will "weigh in" every Monday morning, but I don't think I'll post a new blog every week...I guess it just depends on how I feel.  But now that I have this thing going, I can't stop :)  Wish me luck!!!

Setting Goals

Every year, I make the same resolutions at New Years...
  • Lose weight
  • Quit smoking
And every year I have no motivation to do either...but not this year.  This year I have some major milestones coming up.  The first to happen will be in July and that's graduating Nursing School.  Then, on 11/11/11 I'll turn 30!! YIKES!! 30!?!??! OK, really I'm not that freaked out about 30.  But there are somethings I would like to accomplish before that day.  So instead of setting those dreaded New Year's resolutions, this year, I decided to set some goals and make a plan to reach them. 

My first goal is to be the same size, or smaller (clothing wise) I was when Cowboy and I first started dating.  At the end of 2005 I was a size 11. 5 years later I'm now a size 18/20.  To me, that is unacceptable.  I am uncomfortable in my clothes, I hate being in a bathing suit during the summer...and, more importantly it's VERY unhealthy.

My second goal is to be a non smoker.  As I mentioned before, I will be graduating nursing school this year and I find it very hypocritical to be a smoking nurse.  One of the major roles of the nurse is to be an educator, and smoking cessation is a major teaching point to my patients.  I, in my own mind, can not effectively teach someone the importance of not smoking, and then go out on my next break and smoke a cigarette.  And, it too, is SO unhealthy. 

So here's my plan to meet these goals.  For the weight goal.  I am going to follow my old Weight Watcher's plan. It worked for me last time so I'm hoping that it will work for me this time.  The only difference is, that I will not be going to weekly meetings.  Instead, I'm going to track my progress with this blog. I am also going to get active...There's a community center just up the street that has a full gym and I intend to use it.

As for the smoking goal, I'm not gonna go cold turkey and try to be a hero.  So far it's been almost 3 days with no cigarettes and I feel great.  I haven't had one craving.  But I also know how hard it is to quit smoking and It's going to take some time.

Oh, and I think i just decided within the last 30 minutes or so, to run the Las Vegas Rock n Roll 1/2 marathon coming up in December.  I'll keep you posted on that too.

Well there it is.  In "black and white".  I've written my goals down and now it's time to get the ball rolling. 

If you, the reader has any pointers for me along the way, or words of encouragement, please comment.  If you're just going to be negative, please keep your thoughts to yourself.  I am going to put myself out there for all to see.  Weight, measurements and photos.  I am hoping by doing this, it will motivate me to keep going.