
Beginning Stats

OYE! This makes it real! And it really takes a LOT and I mean a LOT LOT LOT of courage to put this on display for everyone to see.  But....here goes nothing!

Beginning Weight: 226.6 lbs

Beginning Measurements
  • Chest - 48 in
  • Waist - 46 in
  • Hips - 54 in
  • Thighs - 24 in
  • Calves - 17.5 in
  • Upper Arm - 14.5 in
  • Neck - 16 in

Before (frontal)
Before (side)

OK that is just seriously depressing!!!  Time to kick this big butt into gear! So far today I did really well with my "diet".  I didn't drink any sodas and had tons of water.  Hey I gotta start somewhere right?

I will "weigh in" every Monday morning, but I don't think I'll post a new blog every week...I guess it just depends on how I feel.  But now that I have this thing going, I can't stop :)  Wish me luck!!!

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