
Slowly losing steam...

I'm not sure what the deal is, but over the last, say, 2 or so weeks, I have been losing steam with my motivation for diet and exercise.  I have a few thoughts on why this is happening.  The first thing that comes to mind is that this HELLISH semester is slowly winding down.  I think I only have 4 weeks (maybe 5...but who's counting) left until finals.  i think the added stress of that, is causing me to stress eat, which I haven't done since this whole journey started almost 8 weeks ago.  I have also been having more and more cravings for a cigarette, but not SUPER bad....just like a need to "de-stress" or something. But have no fear, I have not given into that craving, and I DEFINITELY don't plan on it.  It's too hard of a habit to quit, to even think about starting up again!  My other idea of why I'm losing steam is because I think I might be getting a little cocky about my weight loss.  I've had a few weeks where I lost less than a pound, but for the most part I've lost at least 2 pounds a week since I started.  So with this knowledge, I have started "tweaking" my intake. I need to get back on the bandwagon and quit eating fast food (although I have yet to have a cheeseburger since this started...only chicken sandwiches and burritos and pizza). More importantly I need to get back to my exercising.  I mean I do my Jillian Michaels' DVD about 3 MAYBE 4 times a week...but that's just not enough in my opinion.  So if anyone out there is reading this, can you give me a "virtual" kick in the rear?  Thanks! :)

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